can I be towed from an unmarked parking lot in 2 hours?


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All Answers (1)


Bonnie M.

If it is not blocking an entrance, loading zone or such, then generally no. It's always safest for the owner /manager of the lot to wait 24 hours before having it impounded.

They need to have signed an authorization to tow from the Towing company, and the Towing company needs to call and report it to their areas police dispatch so you can find your vehicle.

The Towing company also has to give you what's called A Hearing Request Form. That is a law. Once you get this form, you can request a hearing regarding the impound, and in this case, you would be questioning the validity of the impound. You have 10 days to have that submitted to the courthouse after receiving the form.

If the place you parked is not marked, not blocking, and has been less than 24 hours, whomever signed the authorization for the tow company may have to refund your impound bill, and court costs.

This is why tow companies should try to protect the parking lot owner and suggest they wait 24 hours.

Rcw's 46.55

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